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Risk Assessment & Management Assurance Services
Risks can fester and spread anywhere inside an organization. It is now incumbent upon Management to not only design and implement appropriate systems & processes, but also to assess the risks their businesses face today and can reasonably expect to face in the future and; to manage those risks in an appropriate manner. Our Team can help you identify, prioritize and manage risks so that you can enhance performance and ultimately, business value.
  • Appraising the economic & efficient use of resources to maximize the profitability of the organization
  • Identifying key business & financial risks.
  • Plotting the risk map, prioritizing the risks & evaluating the possible impact on the business processes
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of business processes, internal controls & suggesting improvements.
  • Mitigating various identified controllable risks
  • Conducting systems review, analysis & system development.
  • Ensuring compliance with statutory provisions, laws, regulations, policies & procedures.
  • Ensuring effectiveness, completeness and accuracy of the MIS.
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